Public letters from the past

These letters include an Epilogue, which is an update written by the original author after receiving their letter from the past. When enough people "Like" a letter, we'll let the author know readers are interested in an update.

Time Travelled — almost 3 years

A letter from July 31st, 2020

Dear FutureMe, querida itzel espero que cuando veas esta carta recuerda sigue luchando por la saga crepúsculo es la que nos a mantenido en pie por las desgracias amorosas sigue checando esos pechos no hay que callar nada no te olvides de reir y mostrar lo mejor de ti porque lo puedes y lo puedes todo espero que para ese entonces ya dieres el primer besito jajaja sigue soñando y creciendo como ...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Jun 16th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, mong rằng trong tương lai phải thật thành công, học thật giỏi nhé, 1 năm trước bản thân đã có thay đổi bạn bè, người bạn tưởng sẽ không bao giờ xảy ra biến cố thì bạn và họ đã ở mức vực thẳm không thể nào kéo nỗi lại tình bạn . Đã có thêm thật nhiều bạn mới, tiểu đội 9 và những bạn bè khác. Mong tình duyên sẽ luôn thuận lợi

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from May 19th, 2022

Dear FutureMe, wasup papai when you see this you will probably have money so i want you to give it to your uncle jesse and have him gamble for it and double it and then invest it somewhere it will grow like bit coin or something. when you do that by stuff for yourself and then write another letter to yourself when your 14 and tell him to work at dairy queen👍.

Time Travelled — about 2 months

A letter from June 11th, 2024

Dear FutureMe, Are you still crying about it? I hope you stopped crying about but if not, it's fine you know. You don't have to forget to forgive. But, I hope you realized that you're worth it and you didn't deserve it. All you did was love the person with your everything and there is nothing wrong with you. You are beautiful and an amazing person, having small bo*bs is beautiful too, right? H...

Time Travelled — over 1 year

A letter from Jun 3rd, 2021

Dear Future Alice, Nu știu dacă ți s-a îndeplinit visul de a deveni din nou mama, dacă locuiești la casa cu curte, dacă ai gradina cu flori... Însă îmi doresc sa fi găsit răspunsul la întrebarea: ce te face fericita când nu ești fericita cu ceea ce trăiești zilnic în familie. Nu uita ca toate trec. Durerile trec, certurile trec dar nefericirea adanca, neîmplinirea rămân. Tocmai am ieșit...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from February 24th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, Hai cantik gimana udah wisuda blm? udah dapet kerja? kalo udah, kamu kerja dimana? nyaman ga sama kerjaan kamu? kamu bahagia kan sama kehidupan kamu yang sekarang? aku harap iya. Gimana udah punya pasangan yang tepat blm? semoga aja udah ya hehehe. oh iya gimana kabar mama sehatkan ya? sekarang mama udah jauh lebih bahagia ga? mau nanya banyak banget tapi entar kamu capek jawab...

Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Mar 29, 2023

Dear FutureMe, Ahlaan ahlaan ana bab3at da 34an fe wa7ex katabto mn kam sana w mash ha3raf 2a2rah 8er lma yatb3t .. 3mla eh delwa2ty ana 7alayan fadli shahreen aw talata w atkhrag w 3ala ma el message de tagelk hatkhony atkhragty insh2alah w 7adrty w bat7dary le 7aflat el takhrog atmana yakon shaklna 7elw youmeha w nanbasat w nakon kalma el walad el ana mo3gaba beh ❤️👀 anty 3rfah tab3an mahmou...

Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Jun 14th, 2021

Dear FutureMe, Como você está? Eu espero que esteja bem! eu não estou tão bem aqui agora, estou a ponto de acabar com tudo. Momentos né. Espero que seja só um momento ruim. Espero que no futuro eu já tenha superado elu, e tenha consigo alcançar meus objetivos. Aqui não está sendo nada bom :/ estamos vivendo uma pandemia louca demais e eu realmente tenho me sentido péssima com tudo, enfim. Eu o...

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