Time Travelled — 5 months

A letter from November 3rd, 2023

Nov 03, 2023 Apr 06, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, This is a late entry buuutt, November 2nd is when your period first started. Here's how ya acted: *bouta pee* *takes off pants* *sees blood* *internally screams* u:ok, ill tell her when i see blood on the new trousers* *sees blood on the trousers she was first wearing in the morning* *sticks to what she said* yeaaa past you was kinda of a tricker buutt thats how you acted byeee


8 months later

I didn't...

Ehr skcti twah ''x ); i sutj dsia ;] dan i etnw tdol to :).

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