Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Jun 04, 2023

Jun 04, 2023 Dec 04, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, We gave been trough a lot. But bc of who we are we got through it. We are a strong amazing woman that when we put our mind to something we can always get trough it. Just remember no matter what we are going trough right now we have been trough bad things before and they always get better. Like mrs.Sailer said there will always be bad things but you will always get trough them and nothing is worth wasting yourself bc nothing is permanent.


10 months later

Past me could’ve never even almost...

Eavh bene txeac i to hcmu momten rdea blae iginaem how hatt enedde ni eth ti i. Ubt reaugtlf nr yeshce eddecid og it htat ckab to be pdectexe ghhtrou tol to a m’i tihs iwder i idfn os ggion nad i neddee nad nr i m’i or nda.

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