Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from March 27th, 2023

May 02, 2023 Apr 28, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear Future Me, A bit late, but happy birthday!! Can't believe you're eighteen and we're not in school anymore. Have you picked a degree? Are you still studying or did you pass? How is your relationship with God? Did you have the guts to tell M we like him or are you still not sure? Did you find someone else? Are we dating? How's mom and dad? Have you got your driver's license yet? Not sure what's going to happen until then, but I'm looking forward to it. Enjoy it while you can!! Love, You from 2023


5 months later

Dear Past Me,

Sorry for the late reply....

,– eneb by pirusrdse tlyanesapl it pkdeci btu dog ihtw ton rd,eege huothg i you nda veew' bnee radh a twohr lief neo ti 00%1 ptceex the vahe – sah. A snilece ,no dv'irres 'dont imte lgikni ag,o evha my nglo dna odpepts 'ewev m yte i. Tihs a salcipe etda od ohuthg i ewndeke iwht a vhea oesnemo.
Tsh'aw but btigrh ndo't liogkon idae utusfre' orwr:y no x,nte eahv uyo.
,elov uoy feutru.

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