Time Travelled — 3 months

A letter from Dec 31, 2022

Dec 31, 2022 Apr 14, 2023

Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, today is the last day of this amazing and weird year. We did it! We're still here and we're more strong than ever. We fell and we stand up again. I'm so proud of me for give everything in every situation and relationship. Also, we're still in pain for that desiponting experience with that lover but it's ok. We're going to find ourselves in the way and maybe in a near future we can find the right one. Stop with that young boy's idealization ... you need someone real, who cares about you and finds your good and bad things interesting. You deserve the love that you give to others. Don't accept less than that. To the Rahel in the future: Be smart and learn. Love u


over 1 year ago

OH MY GOD!! This letter is amazing! i love it! i some one breaks you heart just tell your self you know that some one loves you! wanna know how it is. YOU!!!!! Stay strong Gurly Pop!!! And for this year every time you fall say this quote....." Fall 7 times, Get up 8!!!!


over 1 year ago

i cant tell how much i love this letter. im sending you a lot of love. and i hope you're with people who love and care about you. i do love you too in a way :) be happy and do your own thing!! 💌

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago



over 1 year ago

So adorable!!!

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago

Very intuitive.

Deleted User:

over 1 year ago

You will make it through. Have faith in a stranger.


over 1 year ago

I love this letter. Something similar has been going on in my life and I felt like I needed to hear (read) something like that.


over 1 year ago

Ok wait but why does this match up so well with my mentality after reading a letter I sent 2 years ago


12 months ago

I love this


11 months ago

hugs more hugs loooots of hugs. You go girl things will go your way

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