Time Travelled — about 1 year

A letter from Jan 5th, 2022

Jan 05, 2022 Mar 07, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, hai, smg wishlist yg lo tulis udah kebeli yah. smg orang yg lo sayang masih lengkap, smg kita masi ngumpul next year, smg nathan udah notice lo, tate sweater lo udh kebeli, and many others. gue harap lo masi kontakan sm temen nunu, sasa, fajar, cinu, epi, gapi and the other. smg lo udah dpt org yg bener”clearly in love with you like in love with the way u are, cause u deserve it. untuk sekarang mungkin belum sabar yh, march this year u turn into 15 also happy birthday myself URE 16 NOW SLAYY. i love you and my family bestie


22 days later

hello, the past me. hoho ure sixteenth...

Islhiswt oyu lsmyto hud ow,n beikel eht woetr lla. Dna ouy hooh, hvae ryros, atrp nsmoeoe owsh uyo eth osla yet stlli uoy lvoed i,apg ouy nveer uoy ntieco dsa in nad rof oegn olve eyveoner with wyolsl o’dnt natnha antoscleotc si with. . Hpayp yaw,a maam sti rvgivusni sakhnt i em ees fro espdas ot ,abab ,aawy epoh yoka tub aity yureo sspaed.

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