Time Travelled — about 1 year

A letter from Jan 5th, 2022

Jan 05, 2022 Mar 07, 2023


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, ure stil 14 now and 15 when march come. u have some wishlist idk when it delivered lo udah punya tate sweater or haven’t tp smg apa yg udah lo tulis di notes kesampean yah. crush lo hari ini nathan smg dy cepet notice lo. i hope u still connected with gapi, fajar, and all of your friends especially online friends. lo harus kuat apapun itu semoga kita bisa ketemu lagi waktu ultah lo yg ke 16🌹 happy early birthday my self. ~bie/qissy/ryubie


22 days later

i love you….. bie


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