Time Travelled — 5 months

A letter from Nov 22nd, 2021

Nov 22, 2021 Apr 22, 2022


Peaceful right?

Dear Future Me, HIIII okay so here I am, I’m sorry I’m writing to you so much there’s just- a lot to tell you. So first, I’m not a lesbian- I actually think I’m Biromantic and Asexual. I figured this out because I have a crush on Kaleb :) so pls help. I just call myself bi or bisexual so people don’t get confused. I’m also a Demigirl-?? (Lol demigod) sooooo who knows how much I’ll change when this reaches you. Have you figured out what job you want when you’re older? What is it? Right now, I want to be a teacher. Also, have you figured out what is wrong with you? Why are you so tired all the time? Well, you might not be now, but I sure am. And why do you constantly feel sad? Auntie’s dying, by the way. She might be dead when this reaches you. Sorry to bring down the mood, heh. omg do you have Snapchat yet????? ah just- forget it, I’ll see you later! Byeeeee ! ✌️


about 2 years later

right number one i hate the way i...

Extt udes to.
2. Dnsierpsoe i but tnkih avhe oto mmu a pitatsher tniagnyh mi to aks or ofr rafdai i.
2. Uaneit a aog ysahrie died. Eidd lunce atls reedk mermsu. Hldous i ooloma hvae mcuh owh deric sene.
3. Is bi rnicobmtia lal sujt mi ustff ihst wtah a‘slaxeu leirmgdi’.
4. Ni osrtw u atste vree enm heav het. Elk?ab iprg tge lrgi oa?arn a tmaw?eth.
5. Tsju on.

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