Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from April 27th, 2020

Apr 27, 2020 Apr 27, 2021


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, Hi, I'm guessing it has been a whirlwind of a time since I have written this. It's now your junior year and I know it is stressful. I just wanted to remind you to love yourself, I know it is hard, trust me, it has never been easy before. Just know that nothing is more important than your mental health. Well, I just want to know how you are, are you ok? How's life? Are your grades good? I just want to know this because I want you to have a better life. Do you have a car now and get to go where ever you like? I've dreamed of having that experience for my entire life. Honestly, I'm so excited to drive and be free. Do you have any new friends? I know that it's hard for you, but try to be more considerate and try to open up to more people. So, let me tell you about me now, I am 15 turning 16 this summer. I am currently binging the show Outer Banks, its pretty good. Um, I'm also trying to get skinny and eat healthy. I'm also studying for the ACT, I'm hoping I can get above a 30 on the test. I hope you have figured out the rest of your life because I feel like everything is messed up right now. I don't know If I have anything else to say. Remember people care about you, stop hiding your feelings from other people. Love, Yoyo


about 3 years later

hi. i didn't know i could respond to this...

Btu i liwl won. Won reagt am i ni dna pclea a i'ts ilrpa 2240. Dgoin t'dno dan bigen iknnsy odog oyanerm bouta losa i prttye rywro mi. Teem fnuod neufwlrdo no mots ahtt ngorel eprseddes 'mi reev lilw i i eht haev adn serifnd. Otg a watned anth 43 hte on tca uoy mhuc bteetr whchi etg 03 to oyur oyu is. Ssem i hswoetma i cna keil a uto dna ;) ym si btu nwo lltis it lefe reuifg elif. Elov i !you.

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