Time Travelled — almost 10 years

A letter from April 28th, 2014

Apr 28, 2014 Apr 28, 2024


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, This is written when I'm (your) 14 and at home with Phoebe and Hannah, I hope you're still friends with them even if you live apart if your not, then talk to them, they're important. Guessing your probably at university or something. Don't get to stressed, ib know it's something that we do. Keep working on what you want to do! Of your not at uni I guess I decided to do a shorter course, or just get a job. That's good. But of you don't like it, change. There's always another option. If you like the job enjoy it! If you have a boyfriend, be loving and loyal and if he's **** to you break up and forget him! Get him out of your life! If you don't, of well find the cure for animal allergy's and become a lonely cat lady!!!! Don't really just have fun with your friends! Remember to spend time with your family, don't forget them even if you live far away, don't forget them. Good luck with life and try to write another one of these for 10 years in the future. Good luck 14 year old Katie xxx


1 day later

Dear Past Me,

I was pleasantly surprised to receive this.

Yes, we are still friends with Hannah and...

Hepebo. Listl rsouh lrleguayr own ginivl hcreaehot see 3 we piesetd waay. Ruogp vodle in dan nyevereo hsit it twne athc etelrt eth.
'weev oru ew a nfeidhsi epgc hgih olsohc am ustj hensiidf nwo a mli-leuft synurviite and bngei htliws ceaethr receynlt dna ba, aveh.
Ticghena eyrsa dto'n gnnihalcgel ew ti b,jo atls we we oahtuhlg ti is wkno a ni myan vole wlil how.
Ohetrget nomsht nyfrbid,oe vllyoe now ts'i orf nad a ew heav eew'v nebe 4 nilvgi olsa maniagz. Eh's vrey so 'ewre dna pyaph lovely. We( eb himgt eh no)e nktih eht.
Neabrisi a vahnet' yet hsoeu orf ve'ew no noec a nfoud ew tca ubt aegrilsle itngetg panl a hgoubt eruc act. Eyrhte' aparyentlp eiolalgyerncph.
Yaflmi see we sltli. Ta diftulfic eb btu ngroigw pu miset ohw uascebe ti tngsih tshnig wree era retbte cna fo ellnreyag. .
Elki elif ruo owuld ouy ooksl lbosutyael olve wath.
Yrea eaikt 42 xxx dol.

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22 days ago

I want to know of you still friend with phoebe and Hannah so badly

Letter Author:

22 days ago

Yes I am, forgot I wrote this and it went straight in the group chat! Now live 3/4 hours away from eachother but still good friends 😊

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