Time Travelled — 6 months

A letter from Jul 22, 2023

Jul 22, 2023 Jan 22, 2024


Peaceful right?

uhm hi, its july 22th 2023, just for you to have a little flashback. This month was kinda hard for us, we relapsed. All negative energy that we had are coming back. The fear of looking at a notification that we got, the urge to throw up, the stomachache, the skin picking, everything. I blame it all on ts. TS is going to be a lot harder. But we cant escape it, we made a commitment and we have to keep it. I know you can do this, please keep up the good work. Whatever happens right now, right when you read this message, dont you ever give up, you've been through so much and you passed it. If you can do it once, you can do it again. I know that sometimes we dont feel like we deserve that, but nothing is going to change the fact that something bad happened to you. I really hope you find joy, and love. Take care, Kinan.


3 months later

I was just about to quit... and then...

Ukaflnht im hte hatt rehce i web nac bsecuae to hatt and atth merberem ehgsntmio tweor agemsse tog lyon di,d yaller het i woh spenor larely rwteo sear mi htta dna in lm,feys dlag i i tshi im i. Slao yl,sfme mi dopru eubecsa fo ho my dog. . . Em sgtron ot be it seidnrm. Seelpa atys sgntor. Do cna rme,rembe you iagan nac noc,e od yuo it it if. Uoy rivvesu iwll.

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