Time Travelled — 12 months

A letter from Apr 27th, 2021

Apr 27, 2021 Apr 27, 2022


Peaceful right?

Dear FutureMe, How are you? I've recently gotten my diagnosis for depression so I'm wondering what your mental health is like at the moment. Right now I can't even leave my bed. I haven't brushed my teeth in a week and online school is stressing me out. What's the covid situation like? Everything back to normal? Right now they have vaccinated about 20%. I still don't know if I want to get the vaccine or not. Has anything changed in your family? Have you gotten a job for the future? I'm going to look at some job ideas in the next holidays. I'm trying to get better at styling goth clothes so has your style changed? I hope it hasn't changed back to normal... One of the snails laid eggs for the first time. I kept two. Let's see if they will hatch. How many snails do you have? Do you have a terrarium or do you still have the fauna box? I currently go by any pronouns but prefer they/them. I identify as non-binary and omnisexual(?). Feel free to tell me more about life. Please write another email *****.


about 2 years later

Dear FutureMe,

Oh you changed..I go by she/her now. I have a great...

1 oidynrbef lamost isecn. 5 eysra. .
Etntgo botua rvee sah on hcum tsniitaou yrenmao ti os et,erbt kslat vicdo noe hte. I 3 accnivse got. .
Urin tac btu a nto'd isxet dmaen the sailsn heav yemanro i own. Esh dlo a uenrdt ujst eyra.
Mi' mi' na now epshpnpteairic in dna now get ot ermo able holetcs. Alelry iaijr inot yads m'i eik etehs. Entx i'm i ayer lgteavnilr to wlli aapjn enaepsaj eb as inrelnga. .
Sfyeml have relyla with dersifn btu emro ltlis 'im i rbaelofmcot t'ond. Rtapehy eno'dst meatnl mees kiel stimery a i and egt lltis ym noos llwi ti lhthae si.
N?dseirf idd hvae udfon uyo to tirp apnaj out emos owrk dna uyor.
Aiang spelea preyl ):.

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